Thursday, October 15, 2015

Image result for eggo sandwiches

You know what pisses me off? Kellogg's. Or at least the advertising agency the company hired to promote its new line of breakfast food:  Eggo Breakfast Sandwiches. I have no problem with breakfast sandwiches at all. I like them. I am a sucker for Burger King's Croissandwich and I eagerly await any sale on McDonald's Sausage and Egg McMuffins. I've even created my own versions at home to take to work. I think they're a great idea. 

But the commercial for Kellogg's newest product just pisses me off. In it,  Mom, Dad and Sis are at the breakfast table. Dad, the poor clueless schmuck, is trying to get the toaster to work. You see, if the toaster doesn't work, obviously no one in the house can eat breakfast. Apparently there are no other options for something to eat if they can't get that blasted toaster to work. Enter Kid Brother who is told right away that there is no breakfast because the toaster is on the fritz. He casually goes to the freezer, takes out a frozen breakfast delight and puts it in the microwave. Mom, Dad and Sis are so engrossed in the toaster quandary that they are oblivious to anything else going on in the room.

As the enticing scent of the sandwich ingredients fill the air, Mom, Dad and Sis become curious. They "smell sausage," "and eggs" and so on. One of them even asks how this is possible with the toaster not working. Soon Kid Brother brings his piping hot sandwich to the table and digs in - much to the surprise of his family. How, he is asked, did he make that delicious-looking sandwich without a toaster??? When he tells them it's from the microwave, Mom, Dad and Sis are stunned. And of course, they immediately reach for the steaming delight in Kid Brother's  hand, to which he replies, "Leggo my Eggo."

Why are Mom, Dad and Sis so confused as to where this food came from? Does Kid Brother do all the grocery shopping? I mean, he's only about ten years old. Is he burdened with this responsibility at such a young age? Why didn't Mom or Dad know that these frozen delights were in the freezer? Sis didn't know either. So how in the hell did the damn things get in the freezer and why is Kid Brother the only one who knows about them???

Commercials that portray adults as being this stupid while the youngest of the children is the smartest member of the family piss me off.

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